On Saturday, November 16, 2013, we sponsored another stream cleanup at Marumsco Creek in Veterans Park. The Prince William (PW) County Parks and Recreation Department, Neabsco Action Alliance, Keep PW Beautiful, and PW Soil & Water Conservation District all partnered with us for the cleanup. Sixty volunteers came out to help clean up trash around the creek. Over half of the volunteers were under the age of 18 – high school students, Girl Scout troops, and members of a church group. It was a muddy, messy job, but the volunteers managed to nearly fill 2 large dumpsters – an estimated 7000 pounds of trash! The 3 wigs found by some high school students were probably the strangest find of the day. Other items collected included: LOTS of plastic bottles, Styrofoam, lots of balls (basketballs, soccer balls, tennis balls, footballs, beach balls, – you name it), food wrappers, plastic bags, seat of a car. 2 kid sized cars, cans of paint, toys, large construction marker, very large plastic trash dumpster, plastic bins, buckets, lumber with nails, wooden pallets, coolers, large case for fishing gear, clothes, shoes, tarp, hoses, wire fencing, 9 tires, propane tank, and more.
We were unable to remove all the trash during our 3 hour cleanup and every time it rains hard, more trash seems to get deposited in this wetland area, therefore; we may schedule another cleanup there in the spring of 2014. Check back later for more information.
So many bottles
Clean up crew
Coming in with the goods
Demonstrating perfect trash pickup form
Full load
Handling Registration
Mud puppies
Must remove – ugh!
The Lone Cleaner
Watch your step!
Working together
You CAN do it!
You go, girls!