This picture gallery is from the tour of the new trail network at the Potomac Shores development, on May 7. The trails were part of the proffer, and are being built by the developer. The network, 10-12 miles in length when completed, will include community trails and a portion of the Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail. This section is in the vicinity of Powells Creek. We also took a side trip to the area which overlooks the Potomac, near the site where the new VRE station and town center will be built.
boardwalk under construction
one of the locations where a pedestrian bridge will be constructed
completed section of boardwalk
trail leading to Powells Creek overlook
Powells Creek overlook
view of Powells Creek from trail
boulevard leading to Potomac overlook
overlook above the Potomac
overlook above the Potomac
overlook above the Potomac
overlook above the Potomac – view toward Leesylvania State Park
boardwalk under construction
view across the Potomac